Back in February now (how time flies!) I had my first Afternoon Tea of the year. I planned to make savoury and sweet, so tried to keep the recipes simple! This Macadamia Brownie recipe from Exclusively Food.
You can get the recipe from their website. Here is my interpretation.
First of all there is a lot of waffle about the cake pan. I used a heavy based aluminium tin and my cooking time was considerably under what was quoted. I checked at 35 minutes and my brownie was not gooey at all! So I would recommend checking at 30 minutes if you have a similar pan to mine. (Analong Commerical Square Pan)
This photo shows the mix with the eggs added.
Flour and nuts! I had a mixture of macadamias and pecans so my brownie was extra nut filled. The macadamias overpowered the flavour of the pecans though so I would not suggest it. I was finishing off the remnants of my pantry.
Okay. So mixed - but not over mixed - and into the lined tin.
A bit of oven magic and a cooked brownie emerges. Yay!
A cross cut of my slightly dry brownie. It was still tasty, just not as gooey as I would have preferred. Next time!