Monday, February 8, 2010

Peronality test... by coffee?

The West discusses a new book, The You Code, explaining how the type of coffee you drink is an indication of your personality type.

I am a non coffee drinker, and apparently this means that I am frightened of life.

Here I was thinking that I did not drink coffee since I did not wish to conform, when all along it was because I am scared of being an adult!

Actually I drink iced coffee; I did not see a mention of that in their list.

Honestly, tea is just so much more exciting.

Picture from Oxfam Shop. Even though I do not drink it, I like to buy Fair Trade.

1 comment:

  1. When I hear about those sorts of surveys, you can guarantee there is a PR person in the background, flogging a product. Tea is more interesting, although I haven't turned my back on coffee.
